Cause and Effect Shortcuts and Study Material | Previous Papers - Question Paper

Cause and Effect Shortcuts and Study Material

After doing lots of practice tests you will come to recognize cause and effect words and phrases. These include: since, because, for, so, consequently, as a result, thus, therefore, due to and hence. It is a good idea to focus on these as often a question will ask you to interpret how these words have been used to link different aspects of an issue or argument together. There are subtle difference between these words and phrases, as some signal stronger causal relationships than others. A word like because indicates a direct causal link. The word so also joins facts together but does not necessarily mean that it was the first fact that led to the second.

Examples on Cause and Effect

Consider the following two examples:
1. As a result of over subscription, Adam did not get a place on the philosophy course.
2. The philosophy course was oversubscribed so Adam enrolled in a different class.

What is the answer if you asked: Did Adam get place on the philosophy course? In the first sentence, you know that he did not. The second sentence is more ambiguous. Perhaps Adam got a place, but opted out of the overcrowded course.
Be careful not to mix up causal words with words such as then, next, after and later. These words indicate a chronological sequence rather than a causal effect. For example, then does not imply that one thing caused another to happen, only that if happened after.


Cause and Effect Questions from Previous Year Exams

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  1. Answered
  2. Review
  1. Question 1 of 25
    1. Question
    1 points

    In each of the following questions, two statements numbered 1 and 2 are given. There may be cause and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes without having any relationship. Read both the statements in each question and mark your answer as


    1. The local co-operative credit society has decided to stop giving loans to farmers with immediate effect.
    2. A large number of credit society members have withdrawn major part of their deposits from the credit society.

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.


Cause and Effect Video Lecture



Please comment on Cause and Effect Shortcuts and Study Material


  1. Dessalegn Teferi

    Really the quiz was very interesting, It is best to prepare oneself for the test, to be succeed.

  2. Zaryab

    Quiz was very nice...I will definitely recommend it to my friends who are doing preparation for entrance tests...


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