- Definitions
- Education of Creative Child
- Leyels of Mental Retardation
- Children with Special Needs
- Role of Teachers
- Classification of I.Q
Creative Child - Complete Study Material and Questions
According to Drevdahl, “Creativity is the ability of individual which he creates something new and presents novel ideas.”
Skinner said, “Creatively thinking means that the predictions for the individual are new, original and unusual, the creative thinker is one who explores new areas and makes new observations, new predictions, new in ferences.”
According to Stagner and Karwoski, “Creativity implies the production of the totally or partially novel identity.”
According to Eysneck, “Creativity is the ability to see new relationship to produce unusual ideas and to deviate from traditional patterns thinking.”
On the basis of these definitions, the following features about creativity are as under:
- Creativity is universal, it is present in everybody.
- Creativity can be developed by training and education.
- Creativity creates new things.
- This new thing is original.
- There is not much relation between creativity and intelligence.
a) Divergent Thinking is the basis of creativity. | a) Convergent thinking the basis of intelligence |
b) Intelligence tests lays emphasis on intelligent behaviour | b) In creative tests emphasis is laid on originality, flexibility etc. |
c) It is not necessary that an intelligent person is creative too | c) Higher creative people have high leve; inteligence. |
Gilford said that creative thinking has following features:
- Sensitivity of Problems
- Flexibility
- Elaboration
- Fluency
- Re-definition
- Abstracting ability
- Ability to arrange
- Ability to coherence and orgn
- Ability to synthesis and closure.
Thus we can say that creativity is that mental process with which man wants to change his environment.
Characteristics of Creative Children – According to Maslow, the characteristics of creative children are :
- More tolerance towards opposition.
- They are neat and have self actualization ability.
- Not afraid of alien, abstract objects and thoughts.
- Apt to work instantly
- They have thought flow.
- They are innocent and not cunning.
Education of Creative Child
- Teacher should respect the annatural and extra ordinary answers of the students.
- Children should be encouraged so that they do not fear exams.
- Children should be encouraged to participate in debates.
- Children should be provided with effective guidance.
- Children should be helped to bear problems.
- Children should be provided with affectionate, and secure environment.
- Children should be given opportunities for self-expression.
- Children should be given opportunities for the expression of ego.
- Children should be encouraged for self-evaluation.
- Evaluations should be combined with causes and results.
Category of Mentally Retarded |
Category | Range of L Q. |
Idiots | below 25 |
Imbeciles | from 25 to 50 |
Morons | from 51 to 75 |
Border line and the dull | from 76 to 90 |
Leyels of Mental Retardation |
Level of retardation |
Intelligence Quotient |
Standford | Weehsler | |
Binet | Scales | |
Profound | Under 20 | Under 25 |
Severe | 20 - 35 | 25 - 39 |
Moderate | 36 - 51 | 40 - 54 |
Mild | 52 - 67 | 55 - 69 |
How do Identify Children with Special Needs
The first step to meet the needs of different categories of children is to identify them and their special needs in the class. They can be helped as early as they are identified. Teachers should be able to spot the special-needs-children for example, children suffering with physical handicap; mental retardation may be discovered through administering IQ tests. Doctors may help in identifying physical ailments. Psychologists also administer diagnostic tests for identifying learning disabilities. Parents can help in telling about the child’s difficulties, for example, late development of speech of the child, any emotional problem the child has suffered from, etc. The detailed information about the child’s health and dreams and other background may be had from Cumulative Record Card, if the child has come from some other school. Psychological tests can also identify the children with special talents. Sometimes other
Children with Special Needs, Course Adaptation and Teaching Strategy |
Children with Special Needs | Adaptation | Approach/ Training |
Learning Disabled |
Educable mentally retarded |
Other categories of mentally retarded children |
Under achievers |
First Generation |
Gifted and Creative |
Classmates and friends tell about the child’s problems and exceptional abilities
Role of Teachers
A teacher has a very important role in providing services to the children with special needs. He has to perform the following functions:
- Identify the children with special needs.
- Assess their capabilities and weakness.
- Identify what these children can do and what they cannot do.
- Ascertain what specific facilities these children require in the school and outside.
- Discuss and make the teachers, parents, principal, peer group aware about the special needs of these children.
- Map the resources available inside and outside the school to help these children.
- Collect, collate and disseminate the information that may be required for the children with special needs.
- Provide counseling to such children wherever required.
- Prepare a plan for various activities in consultation with teachers which various categories of special-needs-children may require.
- Help the teachers and school in implementation of the plan.
- Provide referral services. For example, the child who has problem in speech should be referred to speech correctionist or a physically handicapped child may be referred to occupational therapist. Referral services may also be had to assess the residual capacities of children with special needs.
- Preventive measures can be taken to curtail incidence of disability. Guidance worker should make the students and community aware of the importance of immunization against various diseases, adopt a safe life style, follow traffic rules while on road, use safety measures while working in school laboratories.
- One of the most important function of the counselor is mainstreaming to disabled children in the school and community with providing awareness about various disabilities.
In India, Dr.Kammath did classification of IQ as per the situations prevalent in India. This classification is as under:
Very Baclword
Border line
More than 140
Between 130 to 139.5
Between 120 to 129.5
Between 110 to 119.5
Between 90 to 109.5
Between 80 to 99.5
Between 70 to 79.5
Between 60 to 69.5
Between 50 to 59.5
Between 40 to 49.5
Less than 30
Classification of I.Q. According to Wechsler’s Scale
130 and above
Very Superior
Bright Normal
Dull Normal
Border Line Mentally Defective
Mild Mental Defective
Moderate Mental Defective
Severe Mental Defective
General Classification of Level of Intelligence
140 and above
75 - 90
Below 25
Very Superior
Border Line and Dull
Morons or Feeble minded
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