Model Test Paper - 37

Question 1: The ratio between the present ages of X and Y is 3 : 2 respectively. the ratio between X's age 5 years ago and Y's age 5 years hence is 1 : 1. What is the ratio between X's 4 years hence and Y's 4 years ago ?

(a) 1:3
(b) 2:3
(c) 4:5
(d) 7:5

Answer: Let the present ages of X and Y be 3x and 2x year respectively.

So, Required ratio = (3x + 5) : (3x - 5) ⇔ 35 : 25 ⇒ 7 : 5.

Question 2: Two trains, each 120 metres in lengths, run in opposite directions with velocities of 40 m/sec. and 20 m/sec. respectively. How long will it take for the tail end of two trains to meet each other from the time their engines crossed each other?

(a) 22 seconds
(b) 23 seconds
(c) 14.4 seconds
(d) 15 seconds

Answer: Distance = (120 + 120) m

= 240 m

Relative speed = (40 + 20) km/hr = 60 km/hr

= \frac{50}{3}\:m/sec

Time =  \frac{240}{ \big( \frac{50}{3} \big) } sec = 14.4 sec

Question 3: A person incurs a loss of 5% be selling a watch for Rs. 1140. At what price should the watch be sold to earn 5% profit.

(a) Rs.1200
(b) Rs.1230
(c) Rs.1260
(d) Rs.1290

Answer: Selling price= 1140


SP =\frac{100}{100-loss}\times CP

SP =\frac{100}{95}\times 1140=1200

Then CP is 1200 and SP is 1140

then Loss= 5%

price should the watch be sold to earn 5% profit.

Then the SP will Rs. 1260

Question 4: The average of eight numbers is x and the average of five of these is y. If the average of the remaining three is z, then :
(a) x = y + z
(b) 8x = y + z
(c) 8x = 5y + 3z
(d) none of these

Answer: Total of eight numbers = 8x

Total of five numbers = 5y

total of remaining three numbers = 8x – 5y.

But the given, total of remaining 3 numbers = 3z

so. 8x – 5y = 3z or 8x = 5y + 3Z.

Clearly, we have:X =\frac{5y+3z}{8}

So, 8x = 5y + 3z.

Question 5: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

(a) Aluminium
(b) Zinc
(c) Copper
(d) Brass
(e) Iron

Answer: Except 'Brass', all others are metals. Brass is an alloy.

Question 6: The ratio of number of men and women in a factory of 720 workers is 7 : 5. How many more women should be joined to make the ratio 1 : 1?

(a) 100
(b) 120
(c) 200
(d) 220

Answer: Number of men = 70\times \frac{7}{12} = Number of women = (720 - 420) = 300.

Number of women to be joined = (420 - 300) = 120.

Question 7: An accurate clock shows 8 o"clock in the morning.Through how many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon ? (I.A.S.2000)

(a) 124^{\circ}
(b) 150^{\circ}
(c) 148^{\circ}
(d) 180^{\circ}

Answer: Angle traced by hour hand in 6 hours = (\frac{360}{12}\times 6)^{\circ} = 180^{\circ}

Question 8: On a scale of map, 0.5 cm represents 5.5 km. If the distance between the points on the map is 25.5 cm, the actual distance between these points is :

(a) 123.5km
(b) 280.5km
(c) 125km
(d) none of these

Answer: Let the actual distance be z km. Then,

More distance on the map, More is the actual distance (Direct proportion)

Therefore, 0.5 : 25.5 : 5.5 : z

0.5 z = 25.5 × 5.5 z =\frac{2.5\times 5.5}{0.5} z = 280.5 kg

Question 9: The difference between CI and SI on a certain,sum at 4% for 3 yr is Rs. 608. The sum is

(a) Rs. 25000
(b) Rs.75000
(c) Rs. 100000
(d) Rs. 125000
(e) None of these

Answer: 608=P\left ( \frac{4+300}{100} \right )\left ( \frac{4}{100} \right )^{2}

\Rightarrow P=\frac{608\times 100\times 100\times 100}{304\times 16} = Rs. 125000

Question 10: A sum of money lent for 7 years at 7% per annum simple interest yields an interest of Rs. 4,949. The amount received is

(a) Rs. 10,100
(b) Rs. 10,010
(c) Rs. 10.001
(d) None of the above

Answer: P = \frac{100 \times 4949}{7 \times 7}= Rs. 10,100

A = 10,100 + 4,949 = Rs. 15,049

Question 11: Read. the list of word given below and choose from the options (1) to (5) the word that is SIMILAR in meaning to the word given in capital letters.


(a) Comprehensive
(b) Illustrative
(c) Unbearable
(d) Elaborate
(e) None of these

Answer: Elaborate

Question 12: We had _____wonderful time at the party last night.

(a) very
(b) so
(c) such a
(d) None of these

Answer: Such a

Question 13: Find the correctly spelt words.

(a) Occured
(b) Occurad
(c) Ocurred
(d) Ocurred

Answer: Ocurred

Question 14: Mr. Smith arrived at India in June last year.

(a) to
(b) by
(c) in
(d) No improvement

Answer: In

Question 15: (solve as per the direction given above)

(a) opportunities
(b) sadly
(c) since
(d) disease

Answer: disease

Question 16: Mahatma Gandhi believed that industrialization was no answer to the problems that plague the mass of India's poor and that villagers should be taught to be self-sufficient in food, weave their own cloth from cotton and eschew the glittering prizes that the 20th century so temptingly offers. Such an idyllic and rural paradise did not appear to those who inherited the reins of political power.

Mahatma Gandhi's views opposed industrialisation of villages because

(a) it would help the poor and not the rich
(b) it would take away the skill of the villagers
(c) it would affect the culture of the Indians
(d) it would undermine self-sufficiency and destroy the beauty of life of the villager

Answer: It would take away the skill of the villagers.

Question 17: A religious discourse

(a) Preach
(b) Stanza
(c) Sanctorum
(d) Sermon

Answer: A talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the Bible.

Question 18: To have an axe to grind

(a) A private end to serve
(b) To fail to arouse interest
(c) To have no result
(d) To work for both sides
(e) None of these

Answer: A private end to serve.

Question 19: Which of the following should be the fourth sentence ?

(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 4

Answer: 5

Question 20: She said to her friend, "I know where is everyone"

(a) She told her friend that she knew where was everyone.
(b) She told that she knew where was everyone.
(c) She told her friend that she knows where was everyone.
(d) She told her friend that she knew where is everyone.

Answer: She told her friend that she knew where was everyone.

Question 21: Tiger : Forest :: Otter : ?

(a) Sky
(b) Cage
(c) Water
(d) Nest

Answer: As Tiger is found in Forest similarly Otter is found in the water.

Question 22: In each of the following items some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labeled P, Q, R, and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly.
with the new Bill in the Parliament (P) / experts are expected (Q) the passage of (R)to get a fill up (S).
The correct sequence should be :

(a) QSRP
(b) RPQS
(c) QPRS
(d) RSQP

Answer: RPQS

Question 23: Martina is sitting in the desk behind Jerome. Jerome is sitting in the desk behind Bryant. Bryant is sitting in the desk behind Martina. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

(a) True
(b) False
(c) Uncertain
(d) None of above

Answer: Given the information in the first two statements, Bryant is sitting in front of both Jerome and Martina, so the third statement must be false.

Question 24: Critical reading is a demanding process. To read critically, you must slow down your reading and, with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on the text. Mark up the text with your reactions, conclusions, and questions. When you read, become an active participant.
This paragraph best supports the statement that

(a) critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential process
(b) the best critical reading happens at critical times in a person's life
(c) readers should get in the habit of questioning the truth of what they read.
(d) critical reading requires thoughtful and careful attention.
(e) critical reading should take place at the same time each day.

Answer: This answer is implied by the whole paragraph. The author stresses the need to read critically by performing thoughtful and careful operations on the text. Choice a is incorrect because the author never says that reading is dull. Choices b, c, and e are not supported by the paragraph.

Question 25: Statement: The district administration has issued a circular to all the farmers under its jurisdiction advising them for not using pesticides indiscriminately as it may pollute the ground water.
Assumptions: People may stop using ground water if the farmers continue to use pesticides indiscriminately.
Farmers may refrain from using pesticides indiscriminately.

(a) Only assumption 1 is implicit
(b) Only assumption 2 is implicit
(c) Either 1 or 2 is implicit
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 is implicit
(e) Both 1 and 2 are implicit

Answer: The district administration has issued a circular to make the farmers aware of hazards that indiscriminate use of pesticides poses to ground water and plead them to refrain from the same. So, 2 is implicit. However, 1 cannot be assumed from the given statement and so it is not implicit.

Question 26: Statement: The Institute has fixed for the investors a validity period of one year for transfer forms for some of its listed schemes.
Courses of Action:
1. The Institute should consult investors before fixing the duration of validity period.
2. The investors should be duly informed about the validity period.
3. List of schemes covered under this validity period should be communicated.

(a) Only 1 and 2 follows
(b) Only 3 follows
(c) Only 2 and 3 follows
(d) Only 1 and 3 follows
(e) All follows

Answer: Clearly, it becomes essential for the Institute to communicate to the investors the details of any new policy it formulates. So, only 2 and 3 follow

Question 27: Statements: In a recent survey report, it has been stated that those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day are less prone to have any heart ailments.
1. Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life.
2. All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments.

(a) Only conclusion 1 follows
(b) Only conclusion 2 follows
(c) Either 1 or 2 follows
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 follows
(e) Both 1 and 2 follows

Answer: The statement mentions that chances of heart ailments are greatly reduced by a regular half-hour exercise. So, 1 follows. However, it talks of only reducing the probability which does not mean that persons involved in sedentary jobs shall definitely suffer from heart ailments. So, 2 does not follow.

Question 28: Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows" One of the main reasons behind the lack of applicants for teachers' training/degree programmers is that teachers have not experienced any improvement in working conditions and their salaries have not kept pace with salaries in other professions.

Which of the following can be inferred from the given paragraph

(a) Very tough entrance exam is also one of the reasons behind plunging number of applicants for teachers' training programmes
(b) In the years to come, the schools would face a crunch in terms of availability of qualified teachers
(c) Training programmes for other professions are also as good as teachers' training programmes
(d) No direct relationship can be established between the work conditions of a particular profession and reference for it among st the qualified candidates
(e) Number of applicants for teachers' training programmes will improve if the salaries in other professions are reduced

Answer: From the given paragraph, the impact can be drawn that 'In the year to come, the schools would face a
crunch in terms of availability of qualified teachers.

Question 29: If 'light' is called 'morning', 'morning' is called 'dark', 'dark' is called 'night', 'night' is called 'sunshine', and 'sunshine' is called 'dusk', when do we sleep ?

(a) morning
(b) night
(c) sunshine
(d) none of these

Answer: We sleep in the 'night'. but 'night' is called 'sunshine'. So, we sleep in the 'sunshine' .

Question 30: If Kamal says, “Ravi’s mother is the only daughter of my mother”, how is Kamal related to Ravi" ?

(a) Grandfather
(b) Brother
(c) Father
(d) None of these

Answer: Only daughter of Kamal’s mother - Kamal’s sister. So, Ravi’s mother is Kamal’s sister or Kamal is the brother of Ravi’s mother i.e. Ravi’s maternal uncle.

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