Paper Folding questions are based on the transparent sheet. Some makes are made on the transparent sheet and a dotted line is made on the sheet. Then this sheet is folded along the dotted line. Four answer figure are also given with this problem figure. The candidate has to find out that figure among the answer figure, which resembles the pattern formed when the transparent sheet carry a design is folded along the doted line.
Paper Folding Solved Examples
Examples 1.
Answer with Explanation (A): If the problem figure the arrow indicates the mark on the transparent sheet. The vertical dotted line shows the first fold while the horizontal doted lines represents the second fold. Thus in folding the transparent sheet we will get the figure as shown in the answer figure (A)
Examples 2.
Answer with Explanation (C) : On folding the transparent sheet along doted line, all the points will go inside the circle.
Hence the answer is (C)
Examples 3.
Answer with Explanation (A): On folding the transparent sheet along dotted line the left half will overlap the right half and consequently the black circle on the left will appear on the right.
Hence the answer is (A)
Examples 4.
Answer with Explanation (C): On folding the transparent sheet along dotted line the left half will overlap the right half and consequently the triangle on the left will go inside the semicircle.
Hence the answer (C)
Examples 5.
Answer with Explanation (A): On folding the transparent sheet along dotted line the upper half will overlap the lower half and consequently both upper circles will overlap the lower circles.
Hence the answer (A)
Paper Folding Questions from Previous Year Exams
Paper Folding
Paper Folding Video Lecture
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