Cubes and Dices Formulas, Reasoning Tricks, Videos

Cubes and Dice Important Questions - Page 2
Cubes and Dice Video Lecture - Page 3

In problems involving cubes and dice, we are required to analyse the situation in respect of the following aspects.

  1. Counting the number of cubes in a figure.
  2. Counting the number of painted faces of cubes formed by cutting a solid cube or cuboid in a specific manner.
  3. Construction of the cubical boxes.
  4. Analysing the positions of a dice.

Point wise analysis of these aspects is to be the subject matter of this chapter.
Counting the number of cubes in a figure

Example 1: Count the number of cubes in the following figure.

Solution: Clearly, we have four columns containing one cube each, three columns containing two cubes each two columns containing three cubes each. Thus, the total number of cubes
= ( 4 × 1 ) + ( 3 × 2 ) + ( 2 × 3 ) = 4+6+6 = 16.

Example 2: Count the number of cubes in the following figure.

Solution: Here, we have 4 columns containing 2 cubes each, 4 columns containing 3 cubes each and 1 column containing 4 cubes. Thus, the total number of cubes
= ( 4 × 2 ) + ( 4 × 3 ) + ( 1 × 4 ) = 8+12+4 = 24


Cubes and Dice Questions from Previous Year Exams

  • Cubes and Dice


Cubes and Dice Video Lecture




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